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Best from the side of Knurowska and Ochotnica Górna Pass. Go to Knurów - the road is asphalt, only the last 200m whipped. The pass is quite long, you will defeat it in about a quarter. In Ochotnica Górna head right and uphill, through a new bridge over the stream. It is easy to get past it, but you will recognize it by silver solid railings, at night with decent reflections. There is also a small signpost "os.Studzionki", unfortunately you will see the inscription going only from the other side :( Moments are quite steep and narrow, but there are passages on the route and everyone will be able to do so calmly. already upstairs - maximum on the 2nd run, on the hill itself, pass the settlement of several cottages on the right and cross the T-shaped crossroads, turn left onto the asphalt uphill.The road at the top, behind the clump of trees, turns sharply to the right and leads 200m ridge, then down, straight to our house, which stands as the last buildings on the right in front of the forest.
If someone likes faster and shorter - he can get through the forest, along a gravel road from the side of Szlembarek. The road is wider, but it is not recommended for long low cars due to numerous bumps. However, some of our guests prefer it because it is less winding. You'll defeat her mostly in first gear. Watch out for bumps. Note - navigation usually chooses the second option! If you decide on it, turn behind the church to the left and all the time uphill, to the top, where you will see Jagodowa Polana and all the Tatras. Take care of a good route recognition before you set off, your GPS signal will be lost in Gorce. But do not worry! No one has managed to get lost so far ;-)